Students of ICAT contributed at NGDC Event 2015 from ICAT, Hyderabad

NGDC (NASSCOM Game Developers Conference) is one of the significant events of Indian Game industry. It is a common ground for both Indie and Multinational game development companies to showcase their innovative games and products to the entire gaming community. It brings in students, developers, publishers, investors and game enthusiasts under one roof to experience the future of gaming.

With the motivation to rightly utilize every opportunity to explore the industry trends and technology, the students of ICAT - Hyderabad participated in the NGDC event. The students were enthusiastic and happy to equip themselves to competently meet the expectations and challenges of the game industry. As like the previous years, ICAT students and alumni successfully offered their own share of intellectual contribution and won audience choice & Game Jan Titans in the city competition.

This year, ICAT - Hyderabad students drew the attention of both top players and common audience of the game industry with their ingenious thought process that they put behind their games. Our students’ rapid game concepts, such as ‘Raphelovi’, ‘Mindroid’, and ‘Rock the Beat’ have been critically acclaimed in the NGDC event and also in many such game events.

With its visionary approach, ICAT sows promising seeds to make these abundant brains to grow and branch out in their fields of creativity.

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