K. Kumar - Founder & Chairman

We always relate creativity with artists and artistic medium. But ICAT helps students to understand that creativity is much more than art. It actually makes them feel art as an integral part of one's life itself. In fact life is an amazing creation in this universe and everything that we think and do is creative. Approaches of higher-level learning and practices make any one more creative and dynamic.
ICAT has dedicated to serve high standards of industry relevant education in the area of art & design and visual culture, with internationally recognised educational practices and standard benchmarks.
In this world of constant and upward progression, Digital Media has grabbed the forefront and is shining through phenomenally. From small baby steps to bigger exploratory attempts, the medium has turned into one that has captured the imaginations of millions.
19 years ago, when the world was talking about the future being digital, we began Image Infotainment Ltd. With expert foresight, we realized the potential for growth in this field and we began our development of Digital Media in India.
Through these years, we have faced several challenges, especially in keeping up with the constant need for knowledge building and infra structural enhancement. Thankfully, we have been adept in staying ahead of the trends, which has resulted in tremendous success.
Now, many years later, we stand today not only as one of the most successful companies in the field of Digital Media but also more than a decade experience in providing international quality of education in Creative Design. We have also branched out into varied aspects of creative development in ICAT Design & Media College, to address the need of the creative industry in India to make its presence known to the global audience.
As you read further, you will discover what ICAT Design & Media College can offer to your career and your future. More importantly, you will be sure to realize the potential that the Creative World has to offer and the possibility of you being part of this ever-growing industry along with us.