SkyLine - International Animation Day Celebration 2019 @ ICAT, Chennai
ICAT Design & Media College, Chennai, the department of Animation celebrated Founder's Day titled "Skyline" and themed "Shangri la" on 6th Nov 2019.
As a welcome blast, our students decorated the entrance like a cave filled with fantasy and mysterious characters.
A huge comic statue was leaning on the cave to receive our guests. We ICATians had a day full of main events including Spin-a-yarn, Poke IT, Mask On, Thaumatrope, Comic strip, Chalk Carving. Also had fun events like Tattoo, balloon twist, dub smash, caricature, online pictionary and many more.
The team Animation also exhibited our students work which was a perfect topping!!!
Finally we ended the day with Trophies distributions for the winners and runners. On the whole, Skyline nailed a big name in the Book of ICAT!!!