Graduation Showcase 2011 of ICAT Design & Media College, Hyderabad

The fresh and promising graduates of ICAT - Hyderabad showcased their projects on 2nd July 2011. It was a proud moment for the college as well as for the students.

The 1st year students works were show cased and Mr Sion Hughes and Ms Christine White of University of Wales, UK reviewed them. In the evening, the award ceremony was attended by guest lecturers, students and parents. The honorable chief guests for the graduate show was director - Mr Sathish Kasetty and film maker and critic - Mr Hemanth Apte.

The Best Project award was won by Ms. Santhoshi. Award for the Best Stall was won by Mr. Gurumurthy . The Best Student of the year award was won by Mr. Jeetender.

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