Field trip to College Of Fine Arts Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath 2021 @ ICAT, Bangalore
Department of Graphic Design, ICAT Design and Media College, Bangalore organized a field trip on 24 October 2021, 25 students with 3 lecturers went for a trip to College Of Fine Arts Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath with an aim to visit the ‘Exclusive graphic print show’ happening there from 22nd September to 3rd October. We planned to visit the exhibition as well as the other art collection of the college. Chithrakala Parishat is a landmark for visual culture in the city and the state. It comprises a network of museums, galleries and archives that displays pan-Indian visual culture that includes folk, traditional, modern, and contemporary art. The show was curated by Arpitha R G, Anitha N, and Manuchakravarthy K N.
The students were assigned to take photos in allowed sections and to observe every artwork thoroughly. The main attraction of the exhibition was the unique woodcut prints exhibited there. This experience helped students to get more close to Indian and foreign artworks which gave them a wide range of perspectives in visual art culture. Field trips link the classroom experience with the outside world. In doing so they not only improve learning but also give both the learner and educator valued practical experience (Jin and Lin, 2012).
The Visit was a new experience for students which can help their development in various ways. It helped not only in academic perspective but also in a social and creative perspective.