Envision Exhibition 2018 @ ICAT, Chennai

On 18th May, 2018, the ICAT VFX department gathered a joy, fun filled, talent showcase. The main motto of the showcase edition was “Illusion”, this was highlighted with the name “ENVISION” reclaiming visual effects. ENVISION was a teamwork of the department staffs and students; and in the community spirit of all the members of the ICAT Design and Media college. The main objective is to convey young people who can know the resources, associations and possibilities of Visual Illusion that is been offered the academic institution.

All the students works were displayed on the projector and on the students laptop at seminar hall. The catalyst for the digital portfolio was the development of databases to store and organize information digitally. The digital showcase have also provided students from other departments to get involved and interpret with VFX department, which provided an excellent platform.

The following are the showcase, activities and workshop held on the event of ENVISION.

ENVISION - Pasted on the Library glass screen

The Logo of the showcase was free handedly painted on sun board, and was pasted on the main building campus ICAT chennai. The ideology was to create an illusion using a manual artistic brush which was guided by faculties and students.

However the artistic projected Logo made a huge impact in speeding the word of showcase around the campus for the faculties, guest and the students. This was the major impactful success for the showcase.

Eye follower - Red Dragon Character

The eye following doll was printed on a plain form board on a massive scale size with the instructions cutting/ folding lines. A Red Dragon was chosen as the character to be exhibited. The Red Dragon will be an illusion design standing on a table; when moved around, the Red Dragon head will seem to actually follow you around the place. This effect is said to be the coolest artistic illusion ever created.

Process scale -

  • The Red Dragon was created digitally using painting and illustration softwares.
  • Printing, cutting and gluing all the cut pieces together.
  • Leaving it on a standing table to create an illusion.

Scanimation hanging boards

Barrier-grid animation, also know as a kinegram. This concept or technique was created using overlapping images with interlaced image scanning, creating a parallax stereographica illusion projecting the actual image moving across when one layer moved over another.

Process scale -

  • Scan lines and imaging were created digitally with precise calculations.
  • Each layers were printed separately on a transparent sheet.
  • The layers were struck on an transparent acrylic board corresponding each sides.

Projection mapping -

“spatial augmented reality, is a projection technology used to turn objects, often projected on irregular shapes, into a display surface for video projection.”

Projection mapping technique was displayed by using solid physical models which was lighted up using a laser projector, creating an illusion in such a way that the image/effects were actually projected on individual sides/face of the models.

Process scale -

  • Cartboards were wrapped with white board.
  • The white boards were placed precisely on calculculated distance.
  • Digital projection effects were created digitally using softwares
  • Laser projectors were used to project the illusion effect on the boards on each sides of the box

Mocap - Motion Capture a process of recording the movement of objects or people.

Motion capture was an another major showcase with visual and interactive motion capture. The idea is the bring an interactive visual 3D element projecting the actual motions on the display screen. Where the motions were captured using Kenect 360 a gaming console.

Process scale -

  • Creating 3D assets sets using software
  • Characters were created and basic rigging were given to the characters
  • Camera animations and motions were added to give an interactive playblast.
  • Kenect 360 was connected to capture the motion of the actor.
  • Projector was connected to project the motions replicating the 3D characters.

Chief Guest -

Mr. Ramesh Acharya from “R-Art Works Visual Studio” was the chief guest for the ENVISION showcase. Mr. Ramesh is the Managing/Creative Director of R-Art, a professional art company; Ramesh is always passionate about creative high end animation with storyboard, Matte Painting, concept art, embossed murals, and sculptures.

Competition -

The VFX department also organized few activity based competitions for other department students to get involved in the showcase bring the event a grand success.

Junk Art - Be a JUNKIE

“BE a JUNKIE” is a group activity based competition, in which students have to create/ model any physical character or a piece of art using the junk materials which was provided to them. They were also allowed to use waste unused products.

This was majorly kept as an activity to promote “RECYCLE and REUSE” creating an awareness for the students that they can even create a piece of art from nothing. The final piece of art form junk was also displayed at the showcase.

Optical fun illusion using Kaleidoscope

Students were provided with an open sided kaleidoscope of different mirroring angles (tri, penta, hexa), which they will use it to photograph to create an illusion kinda effect. The best photographic output were printed in-house and were also been displayed on the pin boards. The kaleidoscope was also build inhouse from the scratch using reflective mirrors of different sizes.

Student's Feedback:

“Envision was very useful to showcase our works and get others feedback. Envision was really good. Hope, it will continue and make an effective move in the upcoming years.”Guhan, L4 VFX

“I enjoyed a lot at Envision. Our guest Mr. Ramesh speech was really motivating to us. We expect many more programs to be held like this.”Wasim, L4 VFX

“VFX department showcase “ENVISION” went very well. It was our first experience like this and we all enjoyed a lot.

Showcasing our works and getting comments on our works helped us a lot. Interacting with the Chief guest helped us to know more about the industry standards of work. We are so happy and thankful for our staffs for conducting this program.”Aleena, L4 VFX

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